Thief 4 (2014) has just come out and already there are a few problems. And solutions.
Startup Error 0xc000007b
When launching Thief on 64-bit (x64) computers, you might see an error message like:
“0xc000007b the application was unable to start correctly”. The solution is:
1. Search within your C:\Windows folder for “D3DCompiler_43.dll” and delete all instances of this file from your system.
2. Download the Direct X Web Setup from Microsoft and install it.
If that doesn’t work you can carefully follow the steps in this video, except changing the game path to Thief’s path.
Disable Intro Videos
1. Open up [THIEF_DIR]\ThiefGame\Config\ThiefEngine.ini.
2. Delete or comment-out any lines beginning “StartupMovies”.
Disable Mouse Acceleration / Mouse Lag
1. [THIEF_DIR]\ThiefGame\Config\ThiefInput.ini
2. bEnableMouseSmoothing=False
Disable Framerate Smoothing
1. [THIEF_DIR]\ThiefGame\Config\ThiefEngine.ini
2. bSmoothFrameRate=False
Disable Framerate Lag / Buffering
1. [THIEF_DIR]\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini
2. OneFrameThreadLag=False